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Shocking Link Between Sleep and Alzheimer’s Disease

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know how passionate I can get about sleep and its health benefits, from your mental health to increased energy and even better skin. But now, more than ever, there’s an especially critical reason why sleep is so important: the surprising links between sleep and Alzheimer’s disease.

Age related changes in sleep are normal, and all of us suffer from lack of sleep now and then, especially if we’re feeling stressed or are guilty of using smartphones at night without blue light blocking glasses. But excessive sleeping in, or dozing off during the day, could potentially point to signs of Alzheimer’s.

Before you worry too much, though, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about the connections between sleep and Alzheimer’s disease, action steps you or a loved one can take to reduce your risk, and changes in sleep that could be signs of Alzheimer’s.

What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

No doubt you’ve heard about Alzheimer’s disease, and no doubt you tend to associate it with nursing homes and getting older. While both can be true, it isn’t the whole picture. In fact, Alzheimer’s Disease may not be exactly what you think it is, or look the way it’s portrayed in movies.

Dementia vs Alzheimer’s Disease

Dementia describes general decline in cognitive functioning and can range from mild to severe impairment. In some cases, dementia is actually quite subtle. However, dementia goes beyond normal aging. Memory loss and changes in mood start affecting everyday functioning. In other words, losing your keys is normal; losing them every day when you have always been organized may not be.

Alzheimer’s Disease is a specific type of dementia. It’s progressive and at this time unable to be reversed. The disease gradually alters memory, everyday cognition, communication, and the ability to carry out everyday tasks.

Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease

Anyone can develop alzheimer’s disease, but we also know of several risk factors that make it more likely.


As we age, we’re all at risk for all types of dementia.  According to the Alzheimer’s Association, as many as one in nine people over 65 have Alzheimer’s. However, there is also the more rare early onset Alzheimer’s, which can occur in people under  50 years old.


Family history– if your mom or grandmother had it–makes you more susceptible. Researchers are still trying to find specific genes; the most success has been in identifying a gene receptor linked to the more rare early onset Alzheimer’s.


I stress so often just how important lifestyle factors are for better sleep and health, from getting in daily exercise to eating well, and even taking time to relax (my favorite way is listening to music before bed and enjoying a cup of Pique Tea with Bee Keeper Naturals Honey). With any form of dementia, smoking; a sedentary lifestyle; excessive alcohol; and a high fat high sugar diet which are also linked to cholesterol and Type II Diabetes can put you at risk.

How Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Mimic Sleep Deprivation

One fascinating link between the most common form of dementia and sleep deprivation is how symptoms Can mimic each other. With the early stages of Alzheimer’s, patients may suffer from short term memory loss (like forgetting where you placed your wallet); increased irritability, and difficulty concentrating.

For those grappling with occasional sleeping problems, a natural sleep spray can help. But true sleep disorders, and ongoing problems, require serious attention.

For someone with Alzheimer’s, not only do these symptoms get worse without additional treatment, but they also may become more specific, with other symptoms including having trouble carrying out routine tasks, understanding directions, and even changes to vision.

How Sleep and Alzheimer’s Are Related

Now let’s look at the many ways sleep disorders and lack of sleep can increase your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. I’ll also touch on why it’s so important to be aware of sleep patterns when assessing you or a loved one’s risk for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Sleep Apnea and Alzheimer’s Disease

Are you, or is your partner a chronic snorer? If you snore, there’s a chance you may suffer from sleep apnea, also known as obstructive sleep disorder, which could put you at an increased risk for Alzheimer’s Disease.

A two year study in New York of just over 200 people, ages 50 to 90, found that those suffering from sleep apnea were more likely to develop Alzheimer’s Disease. The reason? Sleep apnea causes a build up of beta-amyloid in the brain, a toxic protein linked to dementia. Researchers found that the harmful protein build up occured during heavy snoring.

Lack of Sleep and Alzheimer’s Disease

I’ve talked at length about how sleep deprivation increases your risk of diabetes and takes a hit on your emotional health. But lack of sleep, whether it’s general insomnia or tied to a specific sleep disorder, also increases your risk of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Early studies have connected a lack of sleep with the same protein build up as we see with those suffering from sleep apnea. In fact, one study found that a single night of sleeplessness can prompt amyloid accumulation. While one night of poor sleep doesn’t mean you’ll develop the disease, it does potentially increase your risk, especially in the case of chronic sleep deprivation.

Excessive Sleeping and Alzheimer’s Disease

Daytime sleepiness may also be an indicator of Alzheimer’s, according to a long term study published in Sleep concluded that those who are excessively tired were up to three times more likely to have protein build up in the brain, tied to Alzheimer’s Disease.

While that does not prove causation, the lessons here are clear: there are numerous links between poor sleep and Alzheimer’s Disease.

How to Naturally Reduce Your Risk For Alzheimer’s (and Manage Symptoms)

The bad news: there is no cure for Alzheimer’s.

The good news: researchers continue to look into promising medications and treatment options. By diligently managing our sleep and diet we can potentially reduce our risk and even help manage symptoms. Here are my tips.

Prioritize Sleep

I know it sounds simple, but you have to be really mindful about sleep. Schedule it in the way you would meetings and appointments. Setting a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and getting up at the same time every day–weekends included–you’re training your body to know when it’s time to sleep.

Not sure what sleep schedule is right for you? Start with my chronotype quiz to find out your optimal sleep schedule. You can also check out my book, The Power of When, where I explain how your chronotype tells you not only when to hit the hay, but even when to eat and get in a good workout.

Get Your Snoring Under Control

We have a habit of shrugging off snoring, but now’s the time to get it in check. See a sleep specialist to find out whether you may be suffering from obstructive sleep disorder.

Maintain A Healthy Weight

Reaching and staying at a healthy weight can improve sleep and even reduce your risk of high cholesterol levels and Diabetes Type II–both of which are key risk factors for Alzheimer’s Disease.

For your diet, there is no one meal plan or superfood to stave off all risks. The Alzheimer’s Association does recommend the DASH diet, which involves prioritizing fresh produce, low fat dairy, whole grains and healthy fats (fatty fish, salmon, and nuts). You’ll also want to reduce your intake of refined and processed carbohydrates, sweets, and limit red meat consumption.

Keep Track of Your Sleep

Just as lack of sleep can increase your risk for Alzheimer’s, I’ve also discussed how changes in sleep patterns, including deep and REM sleep, can be a symptom of Alzheimer’s Disease. The problem? We may feel tired but it can be hard to pinpoint why, or what about our sleep is changing.

I recommend starting with a sleep tracking app like Sleep Score Max. Not only does it help you keep track of your sleep, but it also offers personalized plans to optimize your sleep. That’s a win even if you’re already sleeping well.

The bottom line is we can’t prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. But with my tips, and by understanding the links between sleep and both risks and symptoms, you can take steps today to protect your brain health.

The post Shocking Link Between Sleep and Alzheimer’s Disease appeared first on Your Guide to Better Sleep.

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