Meet the Upgraded [Editor’s Message]
By Sree Roy
We’ve been working behind-the-scenes for the past two years on something exciting here at Sleep Review. I’m thrilled that I can finally let you in on the news: We’ve unveiled an upgraded
In between print magazine issues, newsletters, webinars, and all of the other sleep medicine news delivery modalities you’ve come to expect, our team worked tirelessly to build a site that better categorized the many areas of sleep medicine for which you turn to us for coverage. Instead of entirely too many stories being generically categorized as “news,” you will now navigate our site by the categories of sleep disorders, sleep diagnostics, sleep treatments, sleep health, and practice management. Each of those categories is further organized into subcategories.
And for those of you who truly want to dive deep, each of those is further categorized into a third tier. For example, if you want to see our whole collection of cardiovascular sleep medicine articles, hover your cursor over the “sleep health” tab on the navigation bar at the top of the website. A dropdown list will appear, where you can click on the “sleep & body systems” section to find all of our coverage related to heart health. There’s also the option to navigate directly to On these pages of our new site, you will find almost two decades of archives to explore.

I appreciate the efforts of our entire team in this exciting transition. A special thanks is due to Eli Patterson, who is vice president of digital media of MEDQOR (Sleep Review’s parent company), for spearheading the project across all of our brands, and to Lisa Spear, associate editor of Sleep Review, for putting in extra hours to help categorize several years of previously published articles.
We upgraded the site with you, dear readers, in mind. So please reach out anytime to let us know what you think, including whether it is indeed easier (as we hope) to find the content you need to be a better sleep clinician. And if you don’t already subscribe to our enewsletter content, now is a great time to do so (at Our newsletters highlight the most exciting content published on our site, adding yet another layer of convenience.
I’m looking forward to filling every subcategory on our upgraded website with thousands of articles. (A few are already there.) We look forward to continuing in our mission of helping you stay up-to-date on all the latest trends and technology on the frontiers of sleep medicine.
Sree Roy is editor of Sleep Review.
from Sleep Review
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