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Pre-Bedtime Rituals for Better Sleep

Are you one of those people who toss and turn all night while the rest of the world slumbers? 

Or who wake up in the wee hours of the morning while everyone else is still fast asleep? If yes, you are not alone. Almost everyone has suffered from insomnia at one point or another. Insomnia can negatively impact our daily lives but fear not, there are six pre-bedtime rituals which one can carry out routinely every night to ensure a good night’s rest.

1.      Avoid strenuous exercise. No vigorous exercise up to two hours before bedtime as this will decrease your ability to fall asleep. However, do try meditation and exercise such as yoga as they have a relaxing effect on the body, thus helping to prepare your body for sleep.

2.      Have a light snack before bed. Avoid rich, heavy food in the few hours before you go to bed. Instead, drink a glass of warm milk or eat a banana as these foods are rich in tryptophan, a natural, sleep-promoting amino acid.

3.      Stay away from caffeine and alcohol. It is common sense to avoid stimulants such as coffee, tea and other caffeinated drinks 4-6 hours before bedtime. While alcohol, though a depressant with immediate sleep-inducing effects, can cause you to wake up as the alcohol levels in your blood start to fall a few hours later.

4.      Turn off the TV and computer. If you commonly watch TV or surf the internet just before going to bed, stop. You’ll be doing yourself a big favour by minimizing the distractions which will stop you from falling and staying asleep.

5.      Read a book. A few minutes of reading before bedtime has been found to help shift the brainwaves to a slower pattern. This induces the body into a sleepy state, thus making falling asleep much easier.  
6.      Listen to relaxing music. Soothing music or even self-hypnosis tapes can help calm down your thoughts, effectively de-stressing you and helping you drift off into a nice, peaceful sleep.

So, Do you spend sleepless nights staring at the ceiling? 

Do you start every day feeling exhausted, and zombie-like? 

Pills may help you sleep, but they leave you slumberous and unfocused during the day. And the side effects scare the life out of you.

You are left to struggle with insomnia all alone. Feeling powerless over your own body and mind.

Luckily, there is now a natural cure for that, one that requires no pills (herbal or medical).

Right now you are reading the most important letter of your life! 

I want to introduce to you a unique, new method that puts YOU back in control of YOUR own sleep! 

It works for 9 out of 10 insomnia suffers more effectively than sleeping pills. 

Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about side effects, lifestyle changes or useless gimmicks!

Click here to learn More... 

This method I’m about to share with you has been proven in scientific studies and then perfected by the natural health researchers at Blue Heron Health News.

Thousands of people using this system have finally ended their insomnia returned to their normal, healthy sleep cycle.

You'll fall fast asleep anytime and anywhere YOU want to – in less than 25 minutes – without pills or medications.  And stay asleep all night.

There is NO practice required. Just effortlessly listen and following along to simple ground-breaking audio.

 It worked great for me and many others! It will definitely work for you as well.

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